Register for the official CSM Alumni Association.
If you would like to assist in upcoming events or make a contribution, please contact our office at: 248-822-8199
[email protected]
Stay in Touch with Camp
Join our email newsletter list to keep up to date with the latest news and events going on at Camp.

Your Story
Every year the stories of CSM’s past are shared in letters, emails, and by visitors. One of our goals is to try to preserve those memories for future generations. Next time you are reminiscing on the glory days of CSM, please contact us. We would love to hear your story!
Found that old box of photos, slides, film reels, and VHS tapes from CSM? We are collecting as many of these as we can and transferring them to digital formats to preserve them for the next campers to come through CSM’s gate. Contact the office and we will be happy to share more details on the transfer process.